How to apply



Who can take part in the European Small and Mid-Cap Awards?

 Why nominate a small and mid-cap company?

How to apply?

Please download the application form below and send it to us at  by Wednesday 5th June at the latest. 
The terms of reference for the Awards apply to all categories - download here.




  • Geographic presence and links beyond the EU Single Market
  • Impressive results in terms of international sales, profit and market share growth
  • Well-managed and demonstrating a sound strategy for taking advantage of opportunities outside its own country

Download the application form here.



  • Outstanding performance in the sub-group of SMEs with a market capitalisation of up to €200 million
  • An emerging business with clear further growth potential and evidence of good governance
  • Since going public, its share price should have risen to a respectable but not excessive premium

Download the application form here.



  • A company that places innovation at the centre of its strategy for business development
  • Well-managed and successful in its sector
  • Particular attention will be paid to the future potential that the innovation offers

Download the application form here.



  • An outstanding corporate citizen demonstrating active integration of ESG issues into company policies and practices, including disclosures and standing out as an exceptional performer in its sector and being a responsible corporate citizen
  • An exceptional performer in its sector
  • Provide evidence of strong long-term growth through solid, steady appreciation in share price

Download the application form here.



  • An initiative, an individual or a company meriting special recognition for:
    • outstanding support for/work in highlighting the main issues faced by/proposals to aid small and mid-cap companies accessing public financing.
  • Cannot include initiatives run by exchanges themselves.

Download the application form here.